Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Balinese Hinduism 巴里島印度教



宗教方面來說呢,印尼是全世界最穆斯林人口最多的國家,於2010年的統計占了87.2%,全國只有 1.7%的人口信奉印度教,而大部分的印度教徒皆為巴里島人。


After being brainwashed and recommended by my Indonesian friend during the entire semester saying that Indonesia is a great destination for voyages; finally, after graduation, I embarked on the journey. 

To have a brief introduction of Indonesia:  It is an archipelago consists of 17,508 islands and 6,000 of which are inhabited. What's special about having so many islands is that each island has it's own culture, costume, and dialect, making Indonesia a country that is rich in culture and diversity. 

Religion-wise, Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation, at 87.2% in 2010; while only 1.7% of the country's population is hindu, and most of them are Balinese. Actually, Hinduism came to Indonesia from India in the early fifth century, and it was gradually replace by Buddhism, a religion believed mostly by the Chinese population. Until in the 14th century, Bali was displaced by the coming of Islam. Today, Bali became the only part of Indonesia to remain predominantly Hindu.

The front door of the Hindu temple. 

Prayer flowers scattered everywhere on the floor.

My observation told me that every morning they pick up the fresh plumerias and put them on the grass-braised base for prayer.

They can put their prayer at every corner of the temple. 


Each base represent a prayer. Sometimes, they put candies, rice or incense. 

Wishes scattered on the floor. Not sure if they tidy up regularly, or let them fly with the wind. 

At the highest point of the temple. 

A balinese woman doing her morning prayer.

Balinese women learnt from a young age to carry this kind of heavy bamboo-braised basket on top of their head. It's really fascinating.

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