Typhoon Soudelor is one the the hugest typhoons in the decade that caused serious damage to Taiwan.
In Taipei, the green city, which the citizens were proud of, was seriously damaged by this Typhoon.
Especially, the trees which have long been breathing with this city.
The power of the nature. 大自然的力量。 |
The power of the wind. 風的力量。 |
Taipei Jungle. 台北叢林。 |
This is not in a movie. 這不是一場電影。 |
This is an adventure. 這是一場冒險。 |
No winners, but only losers. 沒有贏家,只有輸家。 |
Old trees were gone. 老樹不見了。 |
Roads were blocked. 道路不通了。
Construction site. 工地。 |
Cleaning squad working timelessly. 清潔隊不紛晝夜的工作。 |
Residence stepped out to help. 居民集結幫忙。 |
Still, we need time. 依舊,我們需要時間。 |
Militaries helped out. 軍人也來幫忙。 |
Directing traffic, cleaning our home. 指揮交通,打掃家園。 |
Taiwan, are you ready for the next typhoon?