法文Photographie 攝影,字首"photo" 意思是 « lumière 光 »; 字尾 "graphie" 意思是 « écrire 寫 »,顧名思義,「攝影」為用光影寫作,不但貼切,還非常有趣。而中文的「攝影」,不也是收取光影的意思嗎?
Today, it's about light and shadow.
2015, October 3, I've met Noah from New York at a photowalk. Later on, he's kindly lent me his high-end camera in black and white; he's taught me all about the light and the shadow. It was fantastic.
In fact, in the french language, "photopgrahie" (photography); the prefix "photo" signifies "light" and the suffix "graphie" means "to write"; using light to write is photography. It's not only very imaginable but also very interesting.
2015, October 3, I've met Noah from New York at a photowalk. Later on, he's kindly lent me his high-end camera in black and white; he's taught me all about the light and the shadow. It was fantastic.
In fact, in the french language, "photopgrahie" (photography); the prefix "photo" signifies "light" and the suffix "graphie" means "to write"; using light to write is photography. It's not only very imaginable but also very interesting.
Taipei pedestrian overpass. |
樓梯間。 Staircase. |
廟宇。 Temple. |
天空與樹影。 Sky and tree shadow. |
小家庭,台北街頭。 Small family, at taipei. |