在港口,坐船等待坐船。 At the harbor, waiting for the boat to pick us up. |
還沒到小島上,就已經覺得港口好美,有些迫不及待。 This is just how the harbor looks like. It has already took my breath away. Can't wait to be on the island! |
法國小男孩在港口玩衝浪。 Two french boys surfing close to the harbor. |
孩子們的背影,與房子和海岸的美麗組合。 A wonderful combination of the kids, the houses, and the cost. |
盡情的跑吧! 快樂的孩子在海邊跑跑跳跳,多自在! Run! A happy kid running on the beach! This is what freedom looks like! |
嘟嘟!船要靠岸了! 終於等到船了! Finally, the boat is here! |
安全抵達! Safely arrived! |
釣魚。 島上的所有家庭,大大小小,都會釣魚和開船。 Fishing. On this island, most people know how to fish and how to drive a boat! |
釣魚是興趣,是娛樂。 Fishing is their interest, an entertainment. |
歐歐,快漲潮了!釣魚隊準備要撤了! Soon it would be high tide, we better get going. |
天然的貝殼和海草被海浪打到了沙灘上。 大自然,還是最厲害的藝術家, 而我,不過只是負責記錄。 seashells and seaweeds were hit on the beach. Mother nature, is the real artist While, me, am just a girl who keeps records for her. |
不知道這船是發生了什麼事, 傾倒了,不知道多久, 又是否還能再次航行大海。 Dont know what happened, A tilted boat, not sure how long has it been Or, if, could it still serve the sea once again |
小船排起來,特美。 A picture of the little boats. |
咦?怎麼會有白馬出現在島上? 原來是表姊的寵物! Wait, why is there a white horse on the island? He told me it's his cousin's horse! |
小島上的小房子。 A little house on the island! |
很難想像吧?這裡居然還有羊群! 拜託,請不要以為有多浪漫。 靠近一點,其實他們很臭! It's hard to imagine that there is also sheep here! Please dont have the impression that its so romantic. In fact, if you go closer, they actually stink! |
收工了,回家吧! Let's call it a day, time to go home! |
帥哥在這裡和你們說掰掰摟! Time to say goodbye ! |